Thursday, December 4, 2008

update post-hiatus

life moves on. sometimes i have a tendency to overthink things. other times my evil twin just jumps in headfirst without thinking --- is that underthinking? it seems to be a pattern that the items i should have thought about are the ones that start impulsively and end badly... while the ones i fret and stew over should have been instantaneously embraced and fully enjoyed.
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yes, i got married.
despite all my worry. i finally had an ultimatum thrown at my feet and the idea of living without him offered sudden, complete and irrefutable clarity. i love him. had since the day i met him. and simply took us both seperate paths to arrive at the same conclusion. we make sense.
we sealed the deal on september 19th in the florida keys. [yes, smack in the middle of hurricane season --- more about that later] and have been inseperable ever since. i have never been happier in my entire existence.
the current and future mrs. bradley a. hunt

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